Real Estate Law


About the service

Judicial and extrajudicial advice and assistance in the real estate sector: management and planning of real estate assets, sales, rentals and leases, condominiums, multi property, executions and real estate auctions.


What We do

  • Assistance in real estate sales negotiations

  • Preparation of preliminary sales contracts (so-called compromise)

  • Drafting of rental contracts (with a free 4 + 4 fee, an agreed fee of 3 + 2, a commercial 6 + 6, for temporary use, for tourist use, etc.), rent and free loan (free or not)

  • Evictions for default and lease termination, licenses for lease termination, procedures for the liberation of the buildings and possession without title

  • Assistance to condominium and condominium administrators for condominium disputes, recovery of condominium credits, audits, drafting and revision of condominium regulations, participation in meetings, drafting of contracts for extraordinary works

  • Assistance and advice on matters of neighborhood relations, easement, use and housing, usufruct, bare ownership and other real rights

Our clients

Real estate companies, individual owners, co-owners, tenants, condominium administrators, businesses, real estate agencies.

Why Athena?

Thanks to its transversal competence, Athena follows the customer at 360 °, dealing with both the management of real estate assets, also in a succession perspective, and of routine activities, such as contracts, notices and debt collection, guaranteeing the maximum experience and professionalism for each activity.

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